Swift Medical is the world leader in digital wound care management


Swift Medical is the worldleader in digital wound care management, delivering advanced wound carevisualization and touchless 3D measurement through its smartphone-ready SwiftSkin and Wound software. Swift’s enterprise-grade solution streamlines clinicaland administrative wound care management workflows, from image capture andautomatic risk scoring to assessment scheduling and claims submission. Today,Skin and Wound has been adopted by more than 4,000 facilities to monitor over100,000 beds and has had over 20 million wound assessments.  

Number ofresources provided:59
Length of contract:
started May2023-ongoing one year
Time to onboard:
1 week
Descriptionof resources provided:
integration consultant, API consultant, support services manager, QA engineers,AWS engineer, senior business analyst, project manager, scrum master,automation engineer & chief product officer.


  • Technical debt and fixes to legacy project
  • New productdevelopment needed with complexity around OCR, custom API and data integrationsfor every B2B customer
  • Innovation vs. maintenance
  • Unanticipated initiatives
  • Need to upskill teamwith more seasoned engineers who have broader technology language expertise


  • Data-driven approach
  • 10 step vettingprocess
  • 3 teams with specializedexpertise from global and local options for agencies
  • Ongoingoversight as accountable executives to project including budgetary control reports,customer health reports 


“Swift would lean on Outforce.ai again foroutsourced projects and scaling – vetting, interview and hiring is just tootime consuming for the Swift team, when that time could be better spent on theactual projects.”

-Cerys Cook, Chief People Officer

1.     How’d Swift hear about Outforce.ai?

Outforce.ai was recommended by their board ofdirectors that was familiar and impressed with their process

2.     What was Swift’s vision and how did the     challenges listed above affect that vision?

When Swift started itslegacy platform 6 years ago, they were unaware of how much the world would embraceand utilize its software, creating an urgent need for it to scale and innovate itsproduct. This rapid scaling unfortunately left the legacy code in aninefficient state, with a combination of Android native and IOS native appsthat were separate from each other, and neither fully completing their purposes– not to mention the size of the company doubling, all while launching theirfirst set of enterprise customers. This meant that their focus had to shiftfrom optimizing the legacy platform to innovating their product based oncustomer needs, and they needed more engineers if they wanted to get both done.

3.     What were the main concerns when considering diverting core engineering     resources for innovation?

One of the mainconcerns that Swift faced was how bringing in an outsourced engineering teamwas going to affect their in-house engineering team culture and how to keepeveryone’s roles and responsibilities clearly defined.

There was also theconcern that the outsourced team would be able to contribute to the projectquickly, with an in-depth understanding of the customers and theirexpectations. The final concern was with the complete integration of both teams,getting them both aligned up front, and keeping the culture of the team at theforefront of the working relationship

4.     How instrumental was Outforce.ai’s     vetting process in saving time and ensuring the quality of the agency     options presented to Swift?

Absolutely instrumental. Outforce.ai listenedto the requirements and narrowed the options from thousands to only a couplethat Swift ended up interviewing. The ability to not only scale up and scaledown contractors, but to switch team members in and out has been seamless. Swiftstarted with a 6-company shortlist, interviewed 3 and moved ahead with a teamout of Argentina, all within 2 weeks of engaging with Outforce.ai.


d the selected engineering team integrate with Swift’s work culture?

Swift keeps a“one-team approach” at the core of their culture, so bringing alignment betweenthe outsourced engineering team and in-house engineering team remains a keypiece of advice and focus for any companies engaging with an outsourcedengineering team – remembering that regardless of where you came from, we allhave the same deliverable. A key selling feature for the team that Swift endedup working with was that the software engineers felt genuine and authentic intheir interviews, and passionate about the project that they were going to beworking on – instead of the typical transactional attitude that Swift had seenin the past.

6.     What are some of the key lessons and takeaways     from this outsourcing experience that Swift would share?some text

  1. Keeping a “one-team approach”, remember that      everyone is working toward the same goal.
  2. Have everyone on the team (in-house and outsourced) keep an open mind when entering and executing the project.

7     Looking ahead, how does Swift envision the role     of strategic outsourcing in the growth trajectory and innovation roadmap?

Swift would lean onOutforce.ai again for outsourced engineering projects and development team scaling.Vetting, interviewing, and hiring is too time-consuming for the Swift team,when that time could be better spent progressing projects.

Swift Medical's collaboration withOutforce.ai has been a significant step in their journey toward optimizing andinnovating their wound care management platform. Faced with challenges such as technicaldebt, the need for new product development, and the integration of advancedtechnologies such as OCR and custom APIs, Swift required a specialized andagile engineering team. Outforce.ai's thorough vetting process and provision ofa highly skilled outsourced engineering team helped Swift address these challengeseffectively. 

The partnership not only allowed Swift tomaintain a "one-team approach" across in-house and outsourcedengineers but also ensured a seamless integration of teams, aligned withSwift's company culture. By leveraging Outforce.ai's expertise, Swift was ableto quickly scale up its engineering resources, focusing on both maintaining andinnovating its product offerings.

As a result, Swift successfully navigated the complexities ofscaling their legacy platform while continuing to innovate. The experienceunderscored the importance of strategic outsourcing in managing growth andenhancing technological capabilities. Looking forward, Swift envisionscontinued reliance on Outforce.ai for future projects, recognizing the value oftheir specialized resources and efficient hiring process in supporting Swift'sgrowth and innovation roadmap.

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